The idea of a restorative pyramid comes from a paper by Brenda Morrison. While it is originally based on work in schools, it equally applies to other communities.
The idea uses the metaphor of a pyramid to describe three levels of restorative intervention. The pyramid is useful as it communicates the frequency of the intervention.
First level: Reaffirming relationships through developing social and emotional skills - The lowest level of the pyramid is applied universally, and pro-actively, to provide immunisation that helps in the event of an outbreak of conflict. This immunisation is achieved by all community members being trained and supported in the development of social and emotional competencies.
Second level: Repairing relationships - the central part of the pyramid, that is not needed as much, and used when conflicts have arisen between individuals or a group. This would require the help of a facilitator to help those involved to find a resolution. Interventions such as peer mediation and a peace circle are useful.
Third level: Rebuilding relationships - The top level of the pyramid that represents the most serious of cases and only needed in 1% - 5% of cases. In this situation outside help may be required and require a wider range of people to be involved.